Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Clinical Decision Support Learning Network
Bringing key stakeholders together to advance patient-centered care
Clinical decision support (CDS) enhances health and health care by providing clinicians, patients, and others involved in a patient’s care journey with knowledge and person-specific information that is intelligently filtered or presented at an appropriate time. CDS encompasses a variety of digital health tools to enhance decision-making, including computerized alerts and reminders to care providers and patients, clinical guidelines, condition-specific order sets, focused patient data reports and summaries, diagnostic support, and other contextually relevant reference information.
RTI helps patients and providers make more informed health decisions with patient-centered outcomes research (PCOR) and has deployed a learning network with more than 800 members to support delivery of patient-centered care. Key stakeholders include electronic health record vendors, CDS content vendors, patient advocates, and health care professionals. The network provides extensive resources and hosts an annual conference that brings together key stakeholders that must all work together to advance patient-centered care.
Learn more about our patient experience solutions.
More information on our learning network can be found here: